Brand Japan could do with a little more human & little less robot...
"Japan Inc. hopes to use the Tokyo 2020 Olympics to show the world it has regained its touch for innovation and technology."

Awesome! But Tokyo is already the most innovative city in the world, according to Innovation Cities Index 2018 by 2thinknow.
Bring on the robots, but the next Olympics could be a great opportunity to think about more employment opportunities for women and the elderly, closing the gender wage gap, lowering bar to foreigners etc...?
#olympic #innovation #technology #technologyinnovation #tokyo2020 #tokyo #japan #panasonic #NEC #NHK #fujitsu #toyota #ANA #toyota #mostinnovativecity #womanpower #femaleempowerment #elderly #softskills #gendergap #genderwagegap #foreignworkforce #branding #brandjapan #culture
(LinkedIn post 2019)